A little bit about the Style For Stroke Foundation - a grant making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or who have been affected by stroke or brain injury.
We operate with just three volunteer trustees (Claire Henry, Alexa Connolly and Laura Pradelska) and founder Nick Ede, with no offices, which keeps our costs extremely low.
Every year, the Foundation invites charities and organisations in the UK to apply for a grant in order to help them continue their vital work or to fund one-off projects. For many of the smaller charities, a grant can make a huge difference. It can provide a highly skilled programme of care, complimentary therapies, counselling for patients and their families, up-date communication materials, and extra nurses to care for stroke and brain injury patients.
With charities struggling to cope with demand, there is always a huge pressure on the Foundation’s resources. We want to support as many individuals and charities as possible. We can only continue to do this with your help! Below are just a few ways that you can support us:
• Head over to our website www.styleforstroke.com and make a one-off donation or set up a monthly direct debit
• Buy a product from our SHOP
• Organise your own fundraising event OR come to one of our events
• Purchase one of our charity t-shirts, jumpers and hoodies from https://lnkd.in/eFd9tgaz
• Support us as a brand or business and set up a Cause Related Marketing initiative. We work with companies both large and small - these organisations recognise the positive benefits of supporting a relevant cause