Style For Stroke Foundation

The Style For Stroke Foundation was founded by award winning charity campaigner and TV presenter Nick Ede

Nick had been a volunteer for the Stroke Association for nearly 20 years since his mother passed away from a stroke when he was 23. 

Nick used his skills to create the Style For Stroke initiative to promote stroke to a younger demographic. The campaigns Nick created really did make a change and were supported by some of the biggest brands and celebrities in the world.

As a natural progression Nick decided to launch a stand alone charitable foundation that would provide grants and funds for those who require help after being affected by stroke or brain injury. Nick didn't want the money to go to research but to practical support for those in need.

The foundation supports the Stroke Association, InterAct Stroke, Same You, the Shoreditch Trust and the Billie Elizabeth Wood Trust ensuring help for those most in need.

The Style For Stroke Foundation work with fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands to highlight the effects of stroke and raise much needed funds for individuals and stroke charities worldwide.

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